onsdag 24 februari 2010

Robert is one of GQ's Most Important Men In British Fashion

AS IT celebrates the launch of its new site (which went live yesterday - take a look), GQ.COM has announced its list of the most important men in British fashion - and the top 100 have been judged on more than just their financial muscle. As well as business acumen, the team has also appraised their creativity and social connections, coming up with a list with some likely suspects - and some more surprising choices.

Sir Philip Green, perhaps unsurprisingly, tops the list for his power and reach followed by Sir Harold Tillman and Selfridges ceo Paul Kelly. Designers Sir Paul Smith, Christopher Bailey and John Galliano also make the top 10, but perhaps more unexpected is the inclusion of Robert Pattison inside the top 5.

"He's today's ultimate male fashion icon," the GQ.COM team says.


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