onsdag 3 februari 2010

Robert Pattinson gets a brand new gig

VANCOUVER — After a couple of nanoseconds languishing in obscurity, Twi-hunk Robert Pattinson is heading back into the hearts and minds of his legion of admirers.

First up, the English dreamboat is setting sail to the estrogen-laden waters of The View, where co-hosts Barbara, Whoopi, Joy, Elisabeth and Sherri can interrogate the lad.

How long will it be before someone asks how he's bearing up under the burden of Twi-horde adulation? Set your oven timers at about a minute.

Pattinson makes The View scene on March 2, so leave a lipstick stain on your calendar.

Next up, our boy becomes a comic book hero. And he stars as ... himself! There's a stretch.

In May Pattinson will be the cover boy of Fame, an illustrated journal of biographies of the rich and famous.

The 32-page comic will trace Rob's life from his debut on the London stage in Tess of the D'Ubervilles through his stints in the Harry Potter flicks right up to his spellbinding performances as the votive vampire, Edward Cullen, in the Twilight series.

On its websight, Fame producers, Bluewater Productions, feature an interview with comic-book writer Kim Sherman, who drew the lucky job of encompassing RPattz's so-culled life.

“I love having the ability to introduce high-profile people to readers through an unexpected medium that is both written and visual,” Sherman said. “These biography comics are designed to illustrate interesting tidbits to fans about their favorite figureheads, and inspire them to learn more. I chose to conceptualize A-lister Robert Pattinson from a unique perspective, immersing the reader into the life of the talented actor beyond his most famous role.”

And can you imagine getting to draw Rob over and over again (or do you do that already?). That's the thankful task of Nathaniel Ooten.

“Working on this book has opened an entirely new level of Rob Pattinson for me,” Ooten says on the Bluewater site. “Before starting, I was only aware of the 'teenage vampire' Pattinson. After reading the script, studying the subject and listening to his music, I not only became very interested in Pattinson's future work, but also discovered a new appreciation for this 'teenage vampire.'”

And for those who think they know just about everything about England's contribution to female fantasy, Bluewater prez promises some hidden treats.

“Twilight fans want to know everything about the talented people who have brought them the story of Edward and Bella,” Davis says. “I'm pleased to be able to bring them Robert Pattinson's story. It's our hope that even the most devoted fans will discover a fact or two that takes them completely by surprise.”


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