torsdag 4 februari 2010

Robert Pattinson ‘Remember Me’ Press Information

As we all know by now, Robert Pat­tin­son will be on Late Night With Jimmy Fal­lon March 1 and The View March 2 to pro­mote his new, non­va­m­pire flick Remem­ber Me.

But how much more press he’ll be doing around the time of the film’s release is prob­a­bly going to be lim­ited to not much else…

While he’ll be in New York City the last week of Feb­ru­ary for the press jun­ket and is expected to attend the big pre­miere on March 1, he has to get back to Europe sooner rather than later to con­tinue film­ing Bel Ami.

When asked if there is a chance Pat­tin­son would be host­ing Sat­ur­day Night Live, like Tay­lor has done already, our insider said, “I can’t imag­ine he could. Maybe he can make a cameo, but to host you need about a week to rehearse.”

Pattinson’s Remem­ber Me costar Emi­lie de Ravin will pop up on The View with him, but she’ll prob­a­bly do a pub­lic­ity push in Toronto with­out him.

As we first told you, Pat­tin­son and de Ravin shot a fash­ion spread at the Los Ange­les County Museum of Art for an upcom­ing issue of Vogue.

Although we’re hope­ful Rob will be able to squeeze in some more tele­vi­sion appear­ances for Remem­ber Me, don’t fret too much. We hear Sum­mit is plan­ning another gang­busters pro­mo­tional tour for the June release of Eclipse.

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