måndag 3 maj 2010

Exclusive Interview With Charlie Bewley by Foforks

Hey Charlie, thanks a lot for taking a little time to talk to your brazilian fans and everything, we appreciate that you are being so sweet for doing this and that Foforks is actually the first brazilian website to have this chance. So we have some questions for you, here we go:

So first of all, you got to a certain point of recognition and fame really fast, and that’s not bad at all, but does this affect your motivation in any way? What I mean is, having Demetri as your breakout role motivates you to go further or makes you confortable knowing that you are in a pretty good place right now and can take it easy? What else motivates you besides fame?

Firstly – you Brazilians are insane. I mean, I am genuinely afraid for my clothes if I ever came down there.

It’s great to get an outside perspective on my progress so far. I understand the importance of a loyal, plentiful and understanding fanbase and, as such, I try to satiate that demand as much as possible. Not only that, but such is the nature of casting these days – an actor has a greater chance of success if he has a recognizable name and strong following.

Personally, I don’t see myself as famous – nothing has changed for me in my attitude towards my goals in life; my dreams haven’t shifted in spite of the craziness of the Brazilian fans… I mean the craziness of the last 9 months.

The one big difference I have noticed is that I am now free to explore every avenue of life, career and relationships that have ever struck a chord with me – and although fame and fortune are not my drivers, it is because of these bi-products of gaining this role that this has come about.

As great as Twilight is to be a part of, it is merely the first step on a long journey full of excitement and creation and wonderousness. Big Picture: My ultimate focus is there.

The brazilian fans really like you a lot (and I mean a lot!) and you’ve said that you’d like to go to Brazil in the future. So what do you know about our country that made you want to pay us a visit? Is there a chance of you around here anytime soon?

I went to Brazil a while back on a rugby tour…. Iguazu falls was all we got to see, but I could sense the electric culture from across the awe-inspiring cascading waters…!!

I have heard so many stories of the passion Brazilians have. I have played futbol all my life and marveled at the audacious creativity of your players…

The Rio Carnival: I cannot wait to come; I may never leave. When I travel, I absorb myself in culture to the point of chameleon status and fall in love with the spirit of other worlds. Exploring: it remains my favourite thing to do.

I would relish the opportunity to come down and see you all. Make it happen… The Aussie chicks did

We are getting pretty close to another Oscar and this time we have Anna Kendrick that is one of the supportive roles in the Saga up for an award. Do you have this kind of ambition for your career, is this one of your goals as an actor or you dont think that much further into it yet and just enjoy the moment?

I feel I have an Oscar-worthy performance in me now. It’s just a matter of finding the role. That said, I will never go out there and try to win an Oscar…. can you imagine??! Nasty.

Acting is about an honest representation of a character given his life context and situation – a roll, a character is Oscar-worthy; the actor either does that justice or they fail.

There are fun roles out there, action roles, epic roles, fantasy rolls which I would love to do – ultimately it’s those which affect the audience by the honesty of the performance which I am looking at in the long-run.

Taylor recently said that he was a little afraid coming to Brazil, because during the press junket at the hotel he (and Kristen) was wrongly informed that hundreds of girls were trying to get to his floor to meet him. How would you react in those kind of situations, all the screaming girls going to you? You just accept that this is how it is being part of the cast or would you just jump off the window to save the trouble? lol

I was confronted by a similar crazy-Latino situation back in Montepulciano, Italy last Summer during the shooting of New Moon. Admittedly, I wasn’t in that much danger back then, but I felt first-hand the raw vampiric desire of these young fans…

Personally, I love it. Scared? Nnnnnever… I used to get my eyes gouged by 6′7″ Welshmen on a regular basis … I can handle a Brazilian Wave of females… you see.

You must be getting tired of hearing questions about this, but do you have any news about Breaking Dawn? Because Eclipse was actually filmed pretty close after New Moon and until now we dont have anything certain besides rumours, did you sign anything to come back for it or they didnt tell you anything yet?

I know less than you do… promise.

And speaking of rumours, the only things that we’ve been hearing about is that Breaking Dawn is more likely to be made in 2 movies to explain a little better the story, and that it could actualy be in 3-D. Do you think these are good options to film the end of the Saga? Fights in 3-D and telling the story from different perspectives like in the book and all that?

Twilight has had a precedence for change ever since Catherine Hardwick decided not to continue directing the Saga. That opened up Summit to change – and change they did. I believe this has worked out favourably.

I am someone who embraces change on a daily basis – it is a pre-requisite for an evolving existence. Film is similarly constantly changing and 3-D has brought us a brilliant new medium of experiencing tales. If BD is to be shot, if it is chosen that 3-D is beneficial given the story and action – then great. Do it.
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