lördag 8 maj 2010

Robert Pattinson (Eclipse) in Bravo Magazine (Germany), Scans

The text for scan 1:

A blood­thirsty vampire-army, snarling Were­wolves, spec­tac­u­lar fights as a mat­ter of life and death…

The new Trailer for Eclipse (in cin­e­mas 15th of July) sends cold shiv­ers down your back. So grim. Sin­is­ter. Dan­ger­ous. Two-fisted Action instead of big feel­ings: The triangle-Relationship between Were­wolf Jacob (Tay­lor Laut­ner), Vam­pire Edward (Robert Pat­tin­son) and the mor­tal Bella (Kris­ten Stew­art) almost becomes a irrel­e­vant fact. When there’s so much dan­ger around there’s not much time for love. Bella’s home­town Forks/Washington becomes the stage of a strug­gle between good and evil, caused by the nasty Blood­suck­ers Vic­to­ria (Bryce Dal­las Howard). With a army of bru­tal vampire-monsters, she wants to revenge her mates James (Cam Cigan­det) death — he was killed by the Cul­lens in the first part of the Twi­light saga. Now Bella and her friends are sup­posed to die for that! How­ever it becomes even worse: The Vol­turi, Ruler of the Vampire-Underworld [Ble­ri­ana side note: VAMPIRE-UNDERWORLD??? REALLY???], show up in Forks all of a sud­den. They have it in for Bella too. Chaos and dis­tress spread…
The Stills:

1. Screams of pain tear apart the night: The stu­dent Riley (Xavier Samuel) was bit­ten by Vic­to­ria (Bryce Dal­las Howard). He’s trans­form­ing into a vampire.

2. And Riley is not alone! The mean Vam­pire cre­ates count­less blood­thirsty mon­sters, that ter­rify Seattle/Washington.

3. The new­born vam­pires make their way to Forks — where they have to kill Bella and her friends. The Cul­lens have to face a huge fight!

4. Jacobs Werewolf-clique wind the trou­ble. They want to sup­port the cul­lens in their fight against the bad.

5. What nobody guesses: The Volturi-fighters Felix (Daniel Cud­more), Jane (Dakota Fan­ning), Alec (Cameron Bright) and Demetri (Char­lie Bew­ley, from left) travel to Froks too — on their search for Bella…

6. Edward (Robert Pat­tin­son) and Bella (Kris­ten Stew­art) have hid­den in the hills. But Vic­to­ria has scented them out

7. And the Army has arrived in Forks by then too. they want to destroy the other Cullen Fam­ily members.

8. It results into a bloody fight where many loose their lives.
Trans­la­tion done by Ble­ri­ana

Thanks Thinking of Rob

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