tisdag 15 juni 2010

'Eclipse' Jimmy Kimmel Taping(Favourite Moments)

Here are some memorable bits of the interview:

kristen looked gourgeous and of course Robert was dreamy as ever. Taylor was Taylor.. too polished for his own good, but still a sweetheart.

Jimmy: Robert what happened to your usual flop of hair?
Robert: I’m getting old so it’s all falling out
Jimmy: Do you live by a radioactive dumpster that only the sides fall out?
Robert: Apparently (giggle)

Jimmy then went on to ask Krieten and Taylor about the promotions they are doing and touring around the world while Robert films Water For Elephants and made a crack about how it’s “cheating on Eclipse”

Jimmy: Kristen and Taylor you sang Karaoke while you where in Korea. Where did you sing?
Kristen: Umm in a private room in the hotel? (oh kristen you’re adorable)
Jimmy: What did you sing?
Taylor: The Climb
Kristen: Party In the USA
Taylor Party! (does hands up in the air motion)

That was hilarious. Jimmy went on to tease Taylor on how awckward it would be for hims to say that while watching the world cup and USA is mentioned. “Party!”
They talked about swiming with sharks and Taylor mentioned he’s afraid of sharks (shark boy afraid of sharks. Wonder what lava girl would think )

Jimmy to Robert: Vampires would eat the shark no?
Robert: Umm Can they swim? I don’t know *giggle* I guess. yeah I guess they could eat the shark
Jimmy: Vampires just walk in the water. You should practice doing that (audience laughed)

Jimmy brought out eh Eclipse dolls ad asked why Taylorr’s got no clothes except for shorts and shows. They joked about a low budget at which point he asked if Robert had something in his contract stating he was to remain clothed at all times

Robert: Actually I do. It states I have to have my clothes on all the time and he has to take his off. In fact, when we are in the same scene I ask for him to have to take off his clothes.

Then Robert mentioed how “there’s an ester egg” in the wolves. “They have no genitalia otherwise it couldn’t be a PG-13 mmovie.”
Jimmy: So they spay and neuter the wolves. Do they do the same for the vampires?
Robert: No they are all anatomicaly correct

They showed the clip of angry Edward when Jacob kissed Bella and went on to tel some funny moments during taping. Apparently Rob wanted to catch Taylor off guard and seem more agressive by grabbing him but couldn’t get his hand around his bicep so when Taylor looked at hium he brushed it off saying “oh it was nothing” and patted him. The second time he tried he still could’t do it.

Robert: It ended up me grabbing at his t-shirt and twisting it in my hand cause I couldn’t grip anything

Jimmy asked if it was difficult acting angry when they where inches from each others faces and they both laughed. Then Kristen grabbed their faces and pushed them together in an attempt to make thim kiss.

They eventually brought out more cast members and they told stories as well.

Now here are some best moments of the Q&A:

Best question by far: Was there a part of the book you wish had been included in the movie?
Peter: Theres a sequence where Carlile spends 3 days hiding. (talking about his transformation)

Funny answer to a question: Peter, do you take your work home and play vampire with your wife?
Peter: We play doctor *grin*

Ackward fan attempt to out Robert/Kristen: Kristen do you prefer Robert as a vampire or as he is normaly?
Kristen: They talked about this earlier, the white makeup, it gets all over.. everything.. its.. either white or brown. Not good
Fan: But which version of Rob do you find sexyer?
Kristen: (ackward silence)
Robert: She likes having brown makeup all over her face.
Jimmy: It’s like making out with Oprah

Funny cast tales:
Xavier being attacked by a racoon and Bryce taking a photo (which they showed on screen) Xavier said he’d turn into a Vampire Squirrel.

Nikky said how she got punched in the face by Peter once and he didn’t even notice. Peter deffended himself saying that with the contacts you have no perriferal vision.

Peter said he got jipped with his ability. “How is compassion an ability? You can’t defeat the Volturi with your compassion!”

Taylor and Kristen tried telling the story of him in spanex but it didn’t evolve. Someone in an interview made her notice how ackward it was.
Kristen: It was this very intimate moment with a wolf. (makes hand gestures)
Jimmy: Beastiality
Kristen: Yes! I was trying to find a nice way of saying it but yeah.

Anyoing moments:
Fans screaming for Taylor to take off his hirt/clothes. Fans screaming at RObert to take of his clothes/show his ’sparly parts’ (ifyouknowhwtimean)

Tons more to be seen so make sure you watch Jimmy Kimmel on the 23rd!

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