onsdag 30 juni 2010

“Eclipse” Stars in Rosh 1 Magazine Scans & Translation / Russia



True Blood

Team Jacob or Team Edward? It doesn’t mat­ter where you are, if you’re a Twi­light fan, you must’ve been ask­ing your­self that ques­tion. “It’s weird for me that a fan can tell ‘I don’t sup­port that char­ac­ter’ though he’s insep­a­ra­ble from the story” say­ing Robert Pat­tin­son. “I think it’s because that all the fans iden­ti­fy­ing with Bella, and she must choose between Edward and Jacob Through­out the series. But it def­i­nitely won’t cause me any kind of rivalry with Taylor.”

“Rob and I are good friends, not only is he a nice guy, he’s too nice!” adds Tay­lor Laut­ner and laughs. “He needs to be really hard with me, so that we can shoot a scene in which I sup­posed to hit him.”

Yes. You read right. Rob Pat­tin­son Kris­ten stew­art and tay­lor laut­ner who became thanks to Twi­light saga to the hottest stars in the indus­try, found time in their busy sched­ule to inter­view exclu­sively to Rosh 1.

Like a family

You’re good friends the three of you?

Tay­lor:“we’re a group of 30 peo­ple who worked together on three movies. We’re like fam­ily, really close. I’m cer­tainly not wait­ing to the day when the shoot­ing of the last movies will end, but I’m sure we’ll keep in touch. We’re with each other a lot on set, hang­ing out together, going together to the gym..”

Rob (laughs):“not me, I’m lazy! I haven’t gone to the gym with you. Edward was sup­posed to be a mus­cu­lar char­ac­ter, but in the end he’s not”

The lives of Rob (24), Kris­ten (20) and Tay­lor (18) have changed rad­i­cally since Twi­light so much, that some­time even they have a hard time to get used to their new sta­tus as super­stars who are star­ring in every mag­a­zine and serve as a role model to hun­dreds of thou­sands of boys and girls around the world. “Things had changed so much” Kris­ten tries to ana­lyze. “Fame is some­thing that’s cer­tainly in a high place in the list of things peo­ple want to have, espe­cially in Amer­ica. We didn’t expect that the first movie will suc­cess like it had, and we were very excited when it had, because we could share the suc­cess with so much peo­ple. Mean­while some­times there is a not so good feel­ing, when peo­ple try to make busi­ness on our back, and we know it’s not because they love us. It’s just busi­ness.” “Our life had really changed, I don’t know from where to start” adds Tay­lor. “I think Twi­light had given me an option to do what I love – to make movies and work with new and tal­ented peo­ple. The last 2 years had been the best of my life.”

Are you read­ing what is being writ­ten on you in newspapers?

Rob:” I’m read­ing gos­sip only before I’m doing an inter­view. If I know that I need to answer ques­tions, I’m try­ing to be ready. Usu­ally I’m not doing an inter­view if I’m not pro­mot­ing a movie, and because peo­ple hardly see­ing me in pub­lic, you could say that most of what is writ­ten about me is an invention”

Kris­ten: “we need to pro­tect our pri­vacy. Peo­ple yearn to know every lit­tle thing about us, but it’s impor­tant not to let them every­thing and leave some­thing pri­vate for our­selves. It’s cer­tainly a change because I’ve never had to pro­tect this pri­vacy, until now”

Always after the sun

In Eclipse we con­tinue to dis­cover new things about Bella the human, Edward the cold vam­pire and Jacob the hot were­wolf. “I think It’s not a roman­tic tri­an­gle at all” Kris­ten explains.“The rela­tion­ship of Bella and Jacob is a one-sided on Jacob’s side, ’cause Bella never takes Jacob as an option until she kisses him. When she goes back to Edward, it’s really changes their rela­tion­ship ’cause that her atti­tude is now ‘I can be with some­one else’. She never thought she could be with some­one else apart from Edward”

Robert, do you think that Edward under­stands that Bella don’t want to be with any­one other than him?

“Look, Edward’s anti-hero. He’s weird because from the one hand he’s a very strong crea­ture and he has a lot of power, but he never used this power, and had never done any­thing for any­one except from Bella, even though he has went around in the world more than 100 years. He main­tains mod­esty because he didn’t want any­body to know he was dif­fer­ent and hates him­self so much”

You and Kris­ten know each other so well. How is your work on set?

“One of the things I really love in Kris­ten is — because she’s a good actress, she brings good things out of me.On the other hand she has some­thing to say about every­thing I do, it can annoy some­times (laughs).

There were some times, when we fin­ished shoot­ing a scene and she said ‘let’s do this again’ and it meant that she thought that I wasn’t good enough. If I would’ve done that to her, she would have killed me”

The race for the billion

Some impor­tant web­sites already marked Eclipse as the movie who will suc­cess to bring the most peo­ple to the cin­ema in the sum­mer, and not only because of the adored trio, but because of its increas­ing pop­u­lar­ity. And some are will­ing to bet that the grosses of the third movie of the saga will be more than a bil­lion dollars!

Spoiler to the ones who hadn’t read the books:

“I think that part of the fact that the saga was so suc­cess­ful, is related to the abil­ity to stretch the moment before the first time of Bella and Edward together” Rob tries to explain “It lasted through­out two long books, and I think peo­ple like to live with the char­ac­ters and expe­ri­ence the fear, excite­ment and pas­sion of sex for the first time” (end of spoiler)

Twi­light is focused on teenagers in the age of high school. How you were in high school?

Rob: “I was a bor­ing student”

You are laugh­ing all the time you’re together. It was like that on set?

Rob: ” Eclipse’s shots were actu­ally very stress. I think we like this only when we’re doing an inter­view to pro­mote the films. I don’t under­stand actors who think that in pro­mot­ing inter­views, they must be really seri­ous. Espe­cially now when we in the third film, we have noth­ing to say (laughs)”.


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