tisdag 22 juni 2010

Eclipse Stars Interviewed on “Close Up” in New Zealand

Not that long ago the names Robert Pat tin son and Kris ten Stew art were just that, names.
But in 2008 came Twi light, the block buster movie series based on Stephe nie Meyer’s books which launched a phe nom e non and rock eted the two pre vi ous unknowns to stardom.
Two films and two bil lion dol lars later, the hype around the box office hit is stronger than ever, the power of which Stew art admits can be overwhelming.
“It’s unde ni able energy and that’s what I’m respond ing to usu ally and that’s why I get sort of so crazy,” she says.
For Pat tin son, the hype is sig nalled by the appeal of the Twi light brand.
“You look at like every kind of gos sipy web site or any thing and it’s always got polls about Twi­light, any thing, you put Twi light in the head line and peo ple are going to go to it,” he says.
With Pat tin son 24 and Stew art just 20, life has changed for these two stars, hounded by media and fac ing per sis tent rumours that link the pair romantically.
Pat tin son has also been the tar get of some dubi ous contact.
“I’ve had a bunch of peo ple say yeah man I met you at this thing… all the time. And you get a bunch of peo ple that found your phone num ber some how, it’s so obvi ous that they have some how found it through nefar i ous sources.” He says.
Before Twi light became a world-wide sen sa tion, Pat tin son was known only for a small part in the Harry Pot ter film series.
Stew art was recog nised only for her role as the young daugh ter of Jodie Fos ter in Panic Room.
Now, how ever, they are house hold names, with series’ the third movie, Twi light: Eclipse, about to hit cin e mas around the world.
But when it comes to how fame has affected those clos est to him, Pat tin son says things are fairly nor mal on the home front.
“The only thing they (Pattinson’s fam ily) are con cerned about is if you’re happy with it. And my friends have just never really cared, I don’t think they even saw Twi light until like two years after it was made,” he says.
The pair have cer tainly gen er ated plenty of gos sip for out siders though, and Stew art admits to look ing online to see how she is perceived.
“You need to know what peo ple are say ing, self-awareness is a pretty impor tant thing. I’m just young and crazy I think. I just can’t not know,” she says.
She also believes the biggest reward is for her act ing to be appre ci ated by the book-lovers and movie-lovers alike.
“It is sort of the ulti mate com pli ment to be type cast. If you’re a huge fan of the book and I’m always Bella to you, then I’ve obvi ously done a good job.”
Pat tin son, mean while, is think ing about how long the fame may last.
“I don’t really care what I get remem bered for, I mean you have no con trol over that…If I’m dying at 80 and peo ple can still remem ber it that would be absolutely incred i ble,” he says.
Twilight:Eclipse opens in New Zealand cin e mas on July 1.

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