torsdag 9 september 2010

Nina Dobrev Talks About Twilight And Kellan Lutz (Death Games)

SNMag: What’s your feeling on this whole vampire craze? Do you keep up with shows like True Blood or the Twilight series?
ND: We’re all aware and supportive of each other’s shows and I have a lot of friends in them. I just finished shooting a movie with Kellan [Lutz], actually, a couple days ago. Vampires are hot. They’re sexy and mysterious and dangerous.

SNMag: Can we expect any werewolves on the show next season? Could you give us any hints?
ND: I can’t tell you about that. Maybe, maybe not, but I’m not allowed to talk about it. Sorry!

SNMag: You mentioned the movie with Kellan Lutz, Death Games, what can you share about it?
ND: The reason it appealed to me was that I always wanted to do an action movie. Also, I wanted to play a character that was a little older. I play a young girl in her 20s who Kellan marries. I’m his wife! So that was pretty fun. I’m pregnant in it too, I get to have a baby belly.

Read the rest:source
via @TeamEdwardPOV

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