tisdag 14 september 2010

Twihards Wish Bella A Happy Birthday


It's not often a fictional character warrants a film's re-release, but Twilight fans are persuasive. In honor of Bella Swan's 22nd birthday — which is today — Summit Entertainment, the company behind the film franchise, sent Eclipse back into 1,187 theatres on Friday for a limited time.
Why is Bella's birthday so big in the Twihard world?

Well, it almost killed her, for one.

In an early scene of the sequel Twilight Saga: New Moon, Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, celebrates her 18th birthday with new boyfriend Edward (Robert Pattinson) and his family. While opening a gift, Bella, known for her clumsiness, cuts her finger drawing blood. It immediately sends Jasper (Edward's vampire brother) into a feeding frenzy as he leaps toward her ready to feed. Edward, of course, saves her — but realizes their relationship is too dangerous to continue.


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