fredag 17 september 2010

Vampire Diaries @IanSomerhalder thanks Twilight!

Twilight has started the vampire craze. Me, being a personal fan of anything vampires appreciates the shows and movies influenced by it's popularity. One of the shows being Vampire Diaries. Ian Somerhalder plays Damon. He is a tortured soul, trying to find his love for 145 years. He's grumpy, unpredictable, and most importantly HOT.

Ian interviews with Interview magazine and always in an interview with a fellow vampire...Twilight vampires come up.

Ian thanks Twilight for paving the way...THANKS IAN!

INTERVIEW: There's a lot of vampire-themed entertainment in the world right now; it's a craze that's really shown a lot of staying power. What do you make of that? Do you watch other vampire things?

SOMERHALDER: No, unfortunately, I don't. I live in it, and eat, sleep, breathe it. I think True Blood is a phenomenal show–when I can catch it, I love to. I think the writing and the filmmaking and the actors are doing a killer job. I've never seen any of the Twilight movies, never read any of the books. I haven't seen it purposely because I wouldn't want to have the subconscious comparison in my own head.

INTERVIEW: What do you feel differentiates The Vampire Diaries?
SOMERHALDER: I mean, the reality of it is the unbelievable box office success of [Twilight] is what allowed us to have the show. That's the bottom line, so I appreciate them, but I haven't gotten to check out much vampire stuff. All the Christopher Lee vampire stuff is great, but my favorite vampire
movie is
Shadow of the Vampire. I think Willem Dafoe was just phenomenal in that movie; its not the stereotype to what we're used to seeing now.


via TwiFans

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