lördag 2 oktober 2010

Ben Barnes Says He Is Relieved Rob Pattinson is Edward Cullen

PhotobucketBen is 29 but looks far younger. It's ageing up rather than passing for 20 that he finds most difficult. 'It's mostly an attitude. Stephen turns from an optimistic young man into someone who's described as a "mad, cold-hearted devil". It's quite a dark place to put yourself in.' He likes to confound expectations, moving between theatre and film and from big blockbusters to small independent films, such as the forthcoming Killing Bono, in which he plays the music journalist Neil McCormick who was an aspiring pop star in the 1980s. 'I wear leather trousers and make an arse of myself,' he says. He has no desire to capitalise on his pin-up status. 'I would loathe to be Robert Pattinson, and I know he struggles with the attention,' he says, revealing that he was once in the running for Pattinson's role as Edward Cullen in Twilight. 'The director announced that it was Robert or me… I'm slightly relieved it was him.'

source via source and robpattinsoncareer

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