onsdag 17 november 2010

Breaking Dawn: Too Much Ado About Too Little Says RioFilme Director

RioFilme Director Discusses BREAKING DAWN Controversies in Brazil

Below are several of RioFilme director-president Sérgio Sá Leitão's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-related tweets:

About Breaking Dawn … The City spent US$500,000 (in partnership with the state government) so as to bring in US$3m in investments from Summit.

And to ensure a positive superpromo for the city. The shoot was news all over the world… And Rio will look really good in the movie. Win win!

Additionally… It's a gift to the millions of Brazilian Twilight Saga fans. And the US$3.5m were spent here (crew, equipment, etc.)

And more … In addition to the sequences found in the screenplay, we'll have two "postcard shots" of the city in the movie. These are the correct facts. Ok???

Another important point … Who gets RioFilme's money? The local production companies involved in the shoot (Total and Zohar)! All of the money stays in Rio!

The alleged break-in by the Pânico [person] didn't disrupt the filming of Breaking Dawn. That happened when there weren't any more people in the house. No one even knew [about it].

There are parasites that fail to realize how important it is to attract major foreign productions to Rio. They'd rather have the public sector invest in…

…movies no one watches, that don't lead to financial and cultural returns, that serve only to support them. They use the media to harm…

…Rio and the segment of Rio's audiovisual productions that works hard to attract investments, create jobs, and make relevant movies!

RioFilme broke a new record this year in terms of investments in movies made by local production companies. Investing in local productions and attracting…

… movies from abroad are complementary actions that benefit Rio and the city's audiovisual industry. Enough of narrow-minded and reactionary nationalism!

Guys… When they got into the [Isle Esme] house, filming was taking place elsewhere. The other shots were taken from a boat and a helicopter…

The house break-in didn't disrupt filming. The helicopter did, because of the noise. But it was very quick. It wasn't a problem. No one cared…

So, there's no reason to worry. I didn't use the word "parasites" in reference to you [Twilight fans?]. Everyone was happy with Breaking Dawn.

Except those who root for things to go wrong for both Rio and Brazil. And those who think that governments should invest only in their countries' movie productions. Let's move forward!


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