lördag 12 februari 2011

Confirmed! Rob and Kristen are not attending the BAFTA Awards! Maybe Rob's going to the Oscars?!

In a bit of sad news today, we’ve gotten confirmation that neither Kristen Stewart nor Robert Pattinson will be attending this year’s BAFTA awards (which airs this Sunday, and which Kristen won the Rising Star award at last year) as guests or presenters. Sad, yes, but not very surprising considering the stars are knee deep in filming for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn currently.


But, on the bright side, rumors are flying today that Robert Pattinson will be a presenter at this year’s Oscars on February 27th. Rumors began when IMDB updated their Oscars page to include Robert as a presenter. Of course, IMDB has been known to be wrong in the past, but let’s cross our fingers and hope this one is true!


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