onsdag 9 februari 2011

'Eclipse's' Catalina Sandino Moreno a 'Vanishing' 'Mis-Fit' after 'Twilight'


With The Twilight Saga: Eclipse there were a few actors and actresses that said both hello and goodbye to the Saga franchise all in one film.

Such a list includes Bryce Dallas Howard ("Victoria II"), Xavier Samuel ("Riley Biers"), Jodelle Ferland ("Bree Tanner"), Jack Huston ("Royce King"), Kirsten Prout ("Lucy"), Leah Gibson ("Nettie"), and, last but not least, Catalina Sandino Moreno ("Maria").

Since leaving the Eclipse scene, each has taken on his or her own unique course for work.

For Catalina Sandino Moreno, picking up the role of Maria for the film seemed to be a bit of a departure from her normally serious and revered movie portfolio (with work like Maria Full Of Grace, Fast Food Nation, Love In The Time Of Cholera, and Che: Part One and Che: Part Two), but perhaps that's exactly what she was looking for because while she has filmed another biopic - on the Cristeros War called Cristiada - she's also attached herself to a comedy of sorts.

Per Slashfilm, Moreno is part of a new comedy picture called Mis-Fits, "A wacky comedy about maybe love, definitely death, and a little resurrection. Not to mention a guy who's job is to find peoples' lost dead relatives."

The film is expected to start production this spring.

It is said to be funny in the same way that Harold And Maude was . . . so, even though it is a comedy, per se, it still has that element of heaviness and maturity to it.


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