söndag 13 februari 2011

New/Old fan encounter with Ashley Greene - Beautiful Pic!


Meeting Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen in the Twilight films). Now, I recognize that the Twilight novels are written for “young adults” and the films are made mostly for teens… but I love them all! I remember reading the series one after the other – boom boom boom. I couldn’t put them down (my husband half joked that the kids would be climbing the walls around me, with knives and scissors in hand… and I’d have my nose buried in a Twilight book saying, “yeah… that’s great girls.”). I’ve loved the movie series so far, as well… so meeting Ashley was a thrill. She was so sweet! I honestly can’t think of a better word to describe her. And gorgeous! I’m not posting the picture of Mara and I with Ashley since we look fat and hideous in comparison! She loved a pair of Tall Gummi Grey Candy mukluks, so much that she asked if she could take them with her right then. They fit her perfectly and she said, “Can I take these? I’m going to Germany on Monday for a film shoot for a month and I’d love to take them with me.” 

Ummmmm…. let me just let that marinade for a second… ugh…YEAH! Take them! Take them! Take them!! (we, of course tried to sound less desperate than that). So, she and her assistant each took a pair with them and we couldn’t be happier. I’ve been scouring the web looking for photos of Ashley in Germany and haven’t been able to find any so far. So, if you see any photos of Ashley Greene in her Sweet Pedtooties mukluks, please let us know.

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