onsdag 16 februari 2011

Twilight Star Jackson Rathbone Returns To Vancouver With 100 Monkeys


Twilight star Jackson Rathbone and his cohorts in 100 Monkeys return to Vancouver on March 4 at Venue for another return stop to the city that seems to be like a second home to the eclectic band of... monkeys. The independent multi-genre band from Los Angeles, California has released four albums and a handful of singles since their first visit to the Olympic city in April 2009. Their latest release is called Live and Kickin', which can be purchased at the Vancouver store Neptoon Records, where the band will be making an in-store appearance on March 6. 100 Monkeys also recently released the single Wandering Mind, from an upcoming release called Liquid Zoo.
This quintet comprises of multi-faceted artists, actors and producers such as: Jackson Rathbone (who appears in such movies as “The Last Airbender,” and the “Twilight” saga), Ben Graupner (Trapped in the 5150, Devolved), Jerad Anderson (Wayne/Lauren Film Company), Lawrence Abrams (of the great Willie Bobo, Bob Hope U.S.O. tour, and The Artist Consortium), and Ben Johnson (of the Stevedores and music producer of Spencer Bell’s “Brain”).
100 Monkeys are known to switch instruments and vocalists nearly every other song during their live-sets.
The Vancouver show March 4 at Venue is the only upcoming show listed on the band's website.

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