tisdag 9 augusti 2011

New! Rob Fan Rob Encounter From Comic Con

Who can blame her?
Not I.
As a matter of fact, I am right there with her...Anyway...
This is her story...
I figured I start with this, and work my way
through the rest of Comic Con later.
So, we got into the panel. We were in the second section back
from the stage. (There is a reason for that to come.)
SO, as the Q&A began, she kept pestering me
to ask Rob a question. I kept telling her no.
I didn't want her to go off without me, and I was not looking
my best after spending the night outside and sitting all morning in
the direct sunlight. (I didn't need to scare Rob away.)
So, for about five minutes, we had this little back and forth.
She was begging. I was denying.
"Please, mom. I have a question for Rob."
"I don't know. I really don't want you up there alone."
"But I have a question."
"Team Rob... What can you possibly ask him?"
"Mom, I have a question for Rob. I need to know.
It's really important."
Then, Team SharkBoy said she would
go up and ask a question and take Team Rob
with her. Well... I finally agreed.
"Fine. Okay. I'll be right here waiting for you to come back."
(I was nervous letting her go without me. That, and what the
h-e-double hockey sticks she could possibly ask Rob?)
I took the time to explain to Team Rob
what an appropriate question would be.
"You can't say you love him."
"I know."
"You can't be all... Can I go home with you?"
"I know. Duh."
"You need to be respectful."
"I promise."
She had a HUGE smile plastered to her face as she
went off to ask her question.
As we sat through the other questions, I was talking
with Team Bella (who didn't want to go up because it was scary).
I kept waiting and worrying and thinking that she wouldn't
have the opportunity to ask her question.
Then the rest of the panel after the big three
- SharkBoy, Stewstress, and ROBERT PATTINSON -
came out.
I kept looking for her to return. I kept asking
Team Bella if she sees them. Then I heard her voice.
I look up on the big screen over his head and see
her... Tears form in my eyes... She asks Rob her question...
This question, I swear to you, DID NOT come from me...
nor did it come from the other Teams with us...
It was100% all her's.

(at the 1:00 mark on this video)
And he blushes bright red. (I wonder what went
through his mind at that moment.)
He teases her about that not being
the question on her mind...
Then he proceeds to answer.
When she gets back to the chair, she is
all smiles and giggles. Like she was
living on cloud nine. And she tells me...
"Mom, Rob talked directly to me. I don't get
why he didn't understand my question at first."
Well, I was all giggles, too. I couldn't get a word out.
Then, before I could even try to answer, she says...
"HE LOVES BABIES! Maybe one day we
could have one together."
She spent the rest of that day like she was
the hottest thing on the planet.
People kept stopping us to tell her that her question was the
best one for the whole panel.
She was interviewed for ABC news radio,
and Summit for the blu-ray disc for Breaking Dawn.
They were all giggles.
By that late afternoon, while waiting in line to meet someone else
(more about that tomorrow), I got an email with a link
to one of the YouTube videos. She watched it, and her reaction shocked me.

She freaked out!!! She was so worried about
Rob finding out it was on YouTube. She told me,
"Mom, I don't want Robert Pattinson to be mad at me."
"Why in the world would he be mad at you, Team Rob?"
"Because those videos on YouTube... and he doesn't like
rude people that take his picture and post them on the internet.
He doesn't like it, and now it's my fault he's on YouTube."
My heart broke a little. She gets that people take his
picture and post things about him that upset him.
And she was worried that she would be on his Shit List.
I told her that what that video was was different then papz.
It was promotional for Breaking Dawn and he was working.
SO, it was like she was helping him to do his job.
She felt a little better after that. She was less upset, but
still not as happy about it.
SO, Rob, should you ever read this blog... this post...
Please know that my Team Rob is so worried that she
has made you mad, and wants you to know that she didn't mean to.
Source  | Via ToR

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