Let's stop 'shoulding' all over ourselves...
September 29th, 2011Hello my darling bloggies. I hope you have been having a delicious week thus far. I must admit, autumn always makes me feel a little "heightened," shall we say.
The year is ending, and things are quickening yet slowing down at the same time. Fall makes me more nostalgic, more emotional, (and hungrier, might I mention. Nachos anyone?), more restless. I keep feeling as if I should be doing something that I'm not. I should be buying school books. I should be planning for the holidays. I should be getting on a better schedule (although daylight savings is coming up--- that rocks)-- which reminds me, it will be getting so much darker so much faster so I should be making use of the sunshine while I still can. I should be getting on what I will be wearing for Halloween so I'm not stuck buying the lone "male" pirate outfit left on the shelf at Kmart, penciling in a goatee, and going as a pre-pubescent Orlando Bloom again. I should have plans for Halloween already. I should....
Eh. Maybe what I really should do is take "should" off my vocabulary list for a while. It's a weird looking word, anyway. So there. Thing is, isn't this the time when nature decides to stop "shoulding" itself (as if nature ever "shoulds"-- have you met my cat, Leo? The only "shoulds" in his world are that his bowl should always be full and he should sleep for no less than 15 hours a day.) This is the moment in nature when everything kind of relaxes into what it has already accomplished and lets the spinning of the earth, the change in the weather, and the shortening of the days have its effect on everything else. Maybe I should (oops-- I forgot, we're not using that word anymore)-- maybe it would be better and a whole lot more natural if I just went about my business without any of this pressure that more needs to be done than is in my power at this moment.
Marianne Williamson (who rocks, by the way-- pick up "A Return To Love" if you haven't) reminds me that most of the vital activity that occurs in our bodies is absolutely disconnected from our thinking mind. We don't will our hearts to beat or our cells to regenerate or our brains to please turn that image our eyes are seeing upside down so we can understand it. And Hallelujah... Cause I'm sure I would get confused and screw it up or forget to, like buying laundry detergent at Ralph's (which reminds me, I should buy laundry detergent). Oops. See? I told you.
So I am going to take this time to ease about my day. No more running errands. Maybe I will stroll errands. But as for right now, I will refill Leo's kibble bowl since he is looking at me as if I should be done on that weird computer thingy by now. Let's stop "shoulding" all over ourselves. Shall we? Why don't you let me know what it might be helpful for you to give yourself a break on. I send much love to all of you and wish you a blissful beginning to the autumn. peaches. x A
Via Andreagabriel
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