tisdag 20 september 2011

Taylor Lautner Talks About How Great It Was To Shoot 'Abduction' Before 'Breaking Dawn'


From source: NextMovie
For the past few years, Taylor Lautner has been mainly focused on his considerable contribution to the "Twilight" phenomenon. However, according to the 19-year-old actor at the Los Angeles press day for his new film, "Abduction," his final portrayal of Jacob Black was heavily influenced by his experience while shooting the "Bourne"-style action thriller.

"It was perfect timing, because I filmed this one ['Abduction'] right before I filmed ['Breaking Dawn']," Lautner explained. "This movie stretched me as an actor more than I'd ever been stretched before."

"And it was perfect," he continues, "because in 'Breaking Dawn,' and 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' specifically, my character gets so emotional and he changes so much. That was by far the most I'd ever been stretched, and it was great to kind of ease in with 'Abduction' right before that."

Lautner said that he expects fans will be surprised by all of the characters in "Breaking Dawn." "'Breaking Dawn - Part 1,' I can't wait for everybody to see, because you're going to see every one of the characters in a different light than you've ever seen them before, and it was by far the most challenging experience I've ever had as an actor."

Lautner indicated he didn't know how fans have been reacting to the "Breaking Dawn" trailer, which was released earlier this week, but acknowledged that there wouldn't have been a film at all without their support.

"I haven't heard the reaction to the trailer, but I assume that it's pretty good because I love the trailer," he said. "[And] that's good, because they're going to be really happy with the movie, I know that. And their reactions mean everything to us, because they're who we're making the movies for, and they're the reason we're making movie Number Five ['Breaking Dawn - Part 2']."

Although "Abduction" marks a promising new direction in Lautner's career, he insisted that he isn't eager to leave "Twilight" behind as he finds his footing as a star in his own right.

"I'm so close to that franchise and that character and everyone involved in it that it will be so close to me as long as I live," he confessed. "It was really emotional, finishing filming, and it has sunk in [that it's over], but I don't really know if it has. Because when we finished filming before, we'd be bummed, but we knew that in another couple of months we'd be back filming another one, but this time that wasn't the case. So it was tough, and it's definitely going to be tough to let go."

Seldom do actors admit to enjoying the publicity gauntlet that they go through for their films, but Lautner said it would be a good chance to spend more time with the cast and crew members he's grown to care about. "Thankfully, for the next year and a half, we'll be able to talk about it and promote it together, but when it's all said and done it will be really weird."

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