fredag 14 oktober 2011

Anna Kendrick recalls filming a chilly wedding scene for Breaking Dawn – Part 1.

(Cover) – EN Movies – Anna Kendrick thinks a chunk of the new Twilight movie budget will go on removing breath clouds from the wedding scene because it was so cold.
The actress is Jessica Stanley in the popular vampire franchise which also stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
The penultimate movie, Breaking Dawn – Part 1, is due out next month and sees Edward Cullen marry Bella Swan.
The marriage is eagerly anticipated and Anna hopes the stars did it justice. She explained it was shot in bitter weather conditions, meaning their frozen breath kept appearing on the film “Oh yeah I would say maybe 40 degree and we’re sort of in little dresses pretending that it’s summer. I think lots of digital breath replacement will be a big part of the budget. Tons,” she laughed. “We’re out in the forest that’s miles away from anything trying to shoot in secrecy to try and prevent any photographs leaking.”

Source: Film-News via TeamTwilight

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