onsdag 26 oktober 2011

ICYMI: Robert Pattinson on Potential Music Career: 'People Hate When Actors Become Musicians'

The actor previously shot down rumors of an album, though he has contributed musically to the “Twilight” and “How to Be” soundtracks.


While several of Hollywood’s A-listers have made names for themselves on the music circuit, Robert Pattinson isn’t convinced that he could be one of them.
Currently in Paris promoting Breaking Dawn with co-star Ashley Greene, Pattinson fielded more questions regarding any potential musical ventures. Though he loves to perform, Pattinson has postponed any plans to follow in the footsteps of Jeff Bridges, Hugh Laurie, Steve Martin and countless others.
“I’m always playing and recording but I don’t know. People hate when actors become musicians so I’ve been avoiding it for the longest possible [time],” he told reporters, according to E! Online.
The actor slammed rumors in September that he was planning to release a solo album, though he previously contributed to both the original Twilight and How to Be soundtracks.  

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