onsdag 16 november 2011

Added Questions:Kristen Mention! Taylor Lautner At @GlamourMagUK #asktaylor


"Hi Taylor here - hello to everyone here in the UK and can't wait for the premiere tonight."

@amyeb23 Funniest thing on set?
"In Eclipse, I carried Kristen a lot, and I slipped on the mud. She landed on me."
@crazeychik12 Do any of the cast have any bad habits?
"No that I can think of. Boring answer!"
@BeckieBate what will you miss the most about filming twilight
"Just spending time with the cast."
@SmarikaTuladhar What does the cast do to pass time off-set?
"We don't do anything crazy. We go out for dinner together."
@Littleferret If you could imprint on anyone who would she be?
"Jessica Alba. She's my life-long crush."
@angelwithwings_ If there was a movie about you, who’d play the young/old you?
"I don't know about young but old how about Daniel Day Lewis."
@Pinky_E If you could relive a moment from your Twilight days. What would it be?
"The v last scene we filmed - it was emotional but it was really special."
@Seleza Tell us a secret about one of your Twilight co-stars
"Kristen is an amazing cook & Rob has a great sense of humour."
@mary_mcginty who from the twilight cast will you stay in contact with the most?
"I don't know if I could choose the most. We will all stay in touch for sure."
@StyleMusee Who is your style muse?
"Tom Cruise? He's definitely pulled off the leather jackets."


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