måndag 28 november 2011

Justjared: Booboo Stewart & Julia Jones: Exclusive Portrait Sessions + Interview

PhotobucketEarlier this month, JJJ got the chance to chat with Booboo Stewart and Julia Jones and since The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 took over the box office again this weekend, we’re debuting their portrait sessions and interviews.
Check out what the Clearwater siblings had to say:
Booboo on keeping himself grounded: “I had to wake up early today because my sister goes to school. My family does normal things. I definitely think they keep me grounded, and I think it’s to do with the fact that I have had the same group of friends my entire life. I have a good understanding of who are actually my friends.”
Julia on the moment she got her phone call: “I remember I was at a sports bar with my boyfriend at the time when I got the call for the audition. From that moment on I had a gut feeling this was going to be a big thing. I was buying a television when I had gotten the call about getting the role.”

Booboo on his greatest memory of the franchise: “Probably the moment I got the phone call! That was one of the happiest moments of my life. When I heard I actually had an audition I was so excited. Before I officially had an audition I was reading all the books.”

Julia on her dream role: “You know what my dream role is? I really want to play Bianca Jagger. I want them to do a biopic on Mick Jagger.”

Booboo on working with the wolf pack: “It was a great experience. For this last film one night we were messing around and we did our lines in a Jamaican accent, It didn’t make it on camera but that was what the vibe was like on set. We were always having fun.”

Julia on her Twilight experience: “Things have been happening so fast. I love living like this, being so present in every moment because it is a demanding job. I don’t have much time to reflect, I think it will take me a couple years and then I’ll be able to look back. Now it has just been so much fun — traveling out of the country has been one of my most favorite parts of this. Sometimes one week I’ll have an appearance in Germany and then the next week in the UK, and I would have seven days in Europe so I would visit. It is a great excuse to be able to have a vacation.”


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