tisdag 15 november 2011

Taylor and Robert Steal The Show at the Breaking Dawn Premiere

It was a brisk Los Angeles night, but when Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner hit the black carpet at Monday's premiere of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 1,” the hundreds of fans camped out across the L.A. Live Plaza went from simmer to full boil.
Shrieking, thrusting up homemade posters, and reaching out to touch the young stars, the various members of Team Edward and Team Jacob harmonized to create a symphony of preadolescent star worship.
With the fourth installment of the vampire romance, Pattinson and Lautner have become pin-up immortals.
Sure, the crowd responded vigorously to the object of the two hunks’ onscreen affection, Kristen Stewart, and she in turn looked more relaxed than in premieres past, but even the drumroll of enthusiasm that greeted Bella Swan was drowned out by the roar that accompanied Pattinson and Lautner’s every move.
Also read: Breaking Dawn Part 1' Premiere: Honeymoon on the Red Carpet (Sideshow)
Even the stars appeared reflective as Summit's mega-grossing franchise draws closer to next summer's conclusion.
Lautner, who made his first bid for post-werewolf success with last September’s underperforming “Abduction,” admitted to having some reservations about leaving the franchise that had made him and his million-dollar muscles world famous.
“It was tough, because we had a lot of fun making these movies,” he told the press.
Also read: New 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn' Trailer: Yep, She's Really Marrying That Vampire (Video)
Of course, the unmistakable din of teen lust may also have also been a reflection of the film’s plot. Though Bella has managed to remain chaste for three previous films, her onscreen deflowering is “Breaking Dawn”s’ critical plot point. All that sex had Lautner’s co-stars thinking of more practical things.
“I had to be in shape for like the first time this whole series,” Pattinson told media.
“You really have to rethink your faces,” Stewart said of mastering her onscreen sexual reactions.
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Given that wedding nights and the messier aspects of human/vampire procreation are central to the movie, it’s probably no surprise that while "Breaking Dawn -- Part 1" unspooled inside the Nokia Theater, the atmosphere sometimes seemed more akin to a Justin Bieber concert than a Hollywood premiere.
At various points, the audience would scream out “I love you Robert” or “Taylor!,” often prompting a wave of whispers and shushes.,
As for the movie, it’s definitely in the hard PG-13 category, with a great deal more gore than the previous installments. In other words, the bride may wear white to her wedding, but there’s more than enough red to go around.
Also read: 'Twilight Saga' -- the Making of a Bargain Blockbuster
The film’s wedding scene and Bella and Edward’s exotic honeymoon off the coast of Rio de Janeiro helped inspire the after party’s elaborate decorations.
The cast and celebrity guests such as Rob Lowe, Seth Green, Ron Artest, Michael Chiklis, even Weird Al Yankovic made their way past makeshift waterfalls and sandy beaches while munching on chicken stir fry, tacos, spring rolls and sweet potato fries.
The dance floor was located just off a recreation of the films woodland wedding, complete with cascades of white flowers dangling from the ceiling.
Bill Condon, the “Dreamgirls” director who took the reins for “Breaking Dawn -- Part 1” and “Part 2,” said that Monday night’s party was just a temporary breather from putting the finishing touches on the big finale.
“I was in the edit bay today, I’m back there tomorrow,” he said.

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