söndag 29 januari 2012

'MAD' parodies 'Breaking Dawn Part 1' wedding scene

CLIP - Things get interesting when Buffy the Vampire Slayer shows up to the wedding of Edward and Bella.

This week's episode of MAD, called "Twilight: Staking Dawn, Cookie Blue," featured a rather lengthy parody of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1's wedding scene, featuring "Edward" (Robert Pattinson) and "Bella" (Kristen Stewart), with a little Buffy The Vampire Slayer action in it as well.
In the clip, "Buffy" stakes out the wedding so as to slay "Edward" and his family.
This is not the first time "Buffy" has been pitted against "Edward Cullen." Back in 2009, the two characters collided in a popular YouTube video which mashed up clips of each.
One hilarious aspect of the MAD cartoon, though, was a moment when "Buffy" addresses certain popular claims that "Bella" might not be the best role model for women by looking at other mainstream female characters - namely Whitney.

Translation BelowFatherWe gather today to join Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen Bella Swan. If anyone objects to their marriage, speak now or ... Call the doctor!Buffy: Someone ordered a murderer?All:Buffy the vampire killer!Buffy: Sorry my hands are a little rusty ...Bella: Do you invited her?Edward: No.Bella: Well, you better have brought a gift![Twilight: Staking Dawn]Edward: We gotta get outta here!Bella: But we have not eaten the cake yet!Edward: Was a little batman?Bella: That's what I thought came closest to a vampire ...Buffy: First, let me tell you: this is a beautiful wedding. And second: prepare to die!Edward: Wait! How did you find us?Buffy: Easy! When I heard that all the vampires in the world would be present at the wedding of the century, take immediate action on the matter.The Queen of England: We're vampires! We're just very pale!Buffy: Millions to apologize later, I bought tickets to Forks Washington. Does that answer your question? Arf ... I have to tell that story faster ...Buffy: Where are they?Jacob: Oh, the cabas to lose, just jump out the window.Buffy: What are you doing?Jacob Edward Cutting the head of all the wedding photos and replace them with mine.Buffy: Ookk, you're busy ... so I will - HA HA!Edward: Quick, jump on my back. It should be safe ...Buffy: I can do it all day, Edward!Al Gore: Yes, but the planet can not. Hi, I'm Al Gore. And the planet is our responsibility, so the next time - [to Buffy] You can not kill me with wood, I'm made of wood! Ha ha ha.Buffy: This is the end of the line clowns!Bella: But I'm not even a vampire, because someone did not I become a vampire!Edward: We could talk about that later, please?Buffy: You might not be a vampire, but you're a weak character.Bella: Wait. Your problem with me is because I see women badly. If so, I know someone who makes it look much worse for women than me.[...]Buffy: This is to make women look bad for years Buffy: You're a good Kicking!Bella: Oh it too.Buffy: Are you pregnant? What do we do now?Producer: Well, now that destroyed the star of my show, I have a suggestion ...This is the first episode of two and a half women! She is a single mother, she is a vampire hunter ... but together they raise a child bloodsuckers!Edward: I have lived for over 100 years and this is the worst show I've seen!Via Examiner CartoonNetworkTranscription TwilightBelgium DarioTwilightYouTube Video breakingdawnrevelation English Translation: GossipDance

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