Here's a summary of the tweets:
RachelFabMag: Editor of Fabulous magazine
So The Hulk is on The Sun floor, Robert Pattinson is with the Sunday Times and just spotted on my floor Mr Rupert Murdoch. What a guestlist! we think it’s for an interview. We think he’s doing something with the Sunday Times – not sure though. He’s on another floor now – sadly he was only spotted fleetingly.
bethneil: Celebrity Editor at Fabulous magazine
Er…Robert Pattinson is currently in our office reception. Cue massive hormonal stampede from the Fabulous office. Yes in London. No entourage, just him. R-Patz update: he’s apparently here to do something or other with the Sunday Times. As if R-Patz wasn’t enough, Hulk Hogan and Rupert Murdoch are also here. Just another average day at Fabulous towers…Ellieomahoney: Lifestyle Editor at The Sun’s Fabulous magazine
Just raced up to canteen avec my editor and ed assistnt to see if we could spot R-Patz who is appaz IN THE BUILDING! Sad to say he eluded us. R-Patz defs in the building but with another newspaper. Following my R-Pattz sighting, i've had a rush of Twi-hard followers. How De-twilight-ful. (Soz)
Via ROBsessed
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