tisdag 14 februari 2012

The 13 Book Titles of the Books on the Self from the BD Part 2 Clip


  1. JRR Tolkien – The Hobbit -- The Lord of the Rings.
  2. The Turtle Catcher - Nicole Lea Helget
  3. Genesis – Bernard Beckett
  4. The Seance – John Harwood
  5. The Ignorance of Blood – Robert Wilson
  6. Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father’s Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater
  7. José Saramago
  8. The Turtle Catcher - Nicole Lea Helget
  9. The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare 
  10. The Servants’ Quarters – Lynn Freed
  11. The Idea of Love – Louise Dean
  12. Don Quixote – Miguel de Cervantes
  13. Hello, Everybody!: The Dawn of American Radio – Anthony J. Rudel

Source foforks Via amazedbyrobsten

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