lördag 18 februari 2012

Jamie Campbell Bower's New Movie "Ectasy" At The Memphis International Film Festival


From source: Commercialappeal
"Ecstasy," a Canadian faith-based drama that apparently is hipper than most of its breed: It features a bumpin' house music soundtrack and a mono-monikered director named Lux. The film chronicles the desperate efforts of a churchgoing single mother trying to keep her two party-girl daughters from being lost forever in a nocturnal world of clubs, sex and drugs. Says one girl in the trailer, pooh-poohing the concerns of a reluctant friend after she is handed a mysterious pill: "Since when do we question what we put in our mouth?" The cast includes England's Charlie Bewley, better known as the vampire Demetri, a member of the Volturi guard, in the"Twilight" films.

Source: via Twilightish

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