tisdag 22 maj 2012

Rob On Cover Of Vanity Fair Italy + Preview Interiew

Preview of the article/interview (Google translation - ETA: better translation of the Q&A thanks to herm-weasley at pattinsonlife)
He likes to think of as cynical as the character he plays in Cosmopolis, his new film in competition at Cannes, "but the reality is that they are naive." But the rest has clear ideas

Men in suits, bodyguard in mirrored sunglasses and earphones. The sky above Mahhattan is a gray and, during the two hours of Cosmopolis, will turn increasingly to black.
Eric Packer, golden boy of finance, enter into a limo and its driver, face sculpted by man of the Russian intelligence services, informs him that traffic was paralyzed for the visit of President of the United States. But he is not interested, now just needs a good haircut, and the only barber in a position to satisfy is in the other side of town. (...)

To transpose into a Hollywood movie one of the most visionary novels of Don DeLillo - written in 2001, is a prophecy of Occupy Wall Street and everything that we are living - was an impossible task that only a director like David Cronenberg's brave could succeed. And just as brave as a director David Cronenberg was reminded of entrusting the starring Robert Pattinson.

It is true that Pattinson is not only Twilight, the saga will end November 14 with 
Breaking Dawn - Part 2. Between one episode and others, he also starred in Remember Me (2010), Water for Elephants (2011) and the recent Bel Ami. But it is clear that a character like this can do for him the difference between staying anchored to the fangs of the vampire Edward Cullen and be admitted into the club of actors to Serie A.

In Cosmopolis - premiering at Cannes - Pattinson keeps the pallor that made fall in love all over the world, girls and boys grew up, the romantic air of Edward, however, has disappeared. (...)

Do you have any idea why David Cronenberg chose you?
I don't, to be honest. But I never wondered why, I'm just happy he did.

In "Cosmopolis" there are sex scenes which are quite explicit: weren't you embarrassed?
I was more nervous for the actresses. When a man takes off his clothes he may feel stupid, but in the end he enjoys himself. I think it's different for a woman, more problematic.

In real life, are you more sweet or passionate?
Passionate, I hope.

One of your best friends, British actor Tom Sturridge, is having a baby with Sienna Miller. Would you like to become a father? 
Sure. Not right now, but yes, of course.

Have you made any plans with Kristen yet?
Not yet. We haven't planned anything.

Do you feel ready to move in with her?
[sings to hide the embarrassment] I'm ready for everything.

The full interview on issue 30 of Vanity Fair on newsstands May 23. VanityFair

Via Rplife

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