lördag 6 februari 2010

Update on Welcome to the Rileys (2010)

From IMDb

by theargonauts

hey guys,

Seems to be much confusion over the sales agents that were announced.

The big festivals (Sundance, Berlin etc) attract all of the major buyers for films. The buyers go to the screenings and decide which movies they want their company or studio to release either in theaters or on video.

Sundance is a domestic festival mostly. That means that buyers that are looking for movies to release in North America/Canada go there to buy.

Berlin is an international festival where the buyers from around the world come and watch movies to decide which films they want to release.

Films hire sales agents to negotiate the sales of the film to the buyers.

There are many sales agents and it is important to get an agent with an amazing reputation. Sales agents turn down many many films. They choose films that they really believe in, and want to sell.

We had a very large domestic sales agent at Sundance. They looked at all of the offers and are helping us negotiate what the best deal for the movie is. Most Sundance films announced their sales before Sundance closed, many thought that WTTR did not have a sale at the festival. That is not actually true. We just didnt want to rush into anything until we could really think about the long term life of this movie.

Who will treat this film the best? It's like choosing a school for your kids.
You want to choose a place that really supports and believes in it when you are not there.

For Berlin, we need a sales agent very familiar with the distributors around the world. They will negotiate with all of the distributors outside of North America and Canada.

So, Even though I said the sales agent wasnt distributing the film, It isnt a bad thing. It means they will be working hard, making sure that you all get to see it... wherever you live hopefully.

Post from Rosebellas

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