söndag 21 mars 2010

'New Moon' Star Nikki Reed On Who Should Direct 'Breaking Dawn'

'All the directors that you mentioned, I mean, that would be fantastic,' actress said at a 'New Moon' DVD/Blu-ray release party Friday.

SANTA CLARITA, California — Though news has been slow on the
"Breaking Dawn front over the past few months, last week's announcement of a short list of potential directors caused a lot of excitement in the "Twilight" community, especially after Kristen Stewart confirmed the rumors were in fact true. Stewart and fellow "New Moon" star Dakota Fanning shared their excitement at the prospect of Gus Van Sant, Sofia Coppola or Bill Condon directing the final installment(s) of "The Twilight Saga" for the big screen, while Robert Pattinson had already given his endorsement for Van Sant late last year.

Their co-star Nikki Reed, however, was left out of that information loop and apparently was in some form of media blackout, because when MTV News spoke with her last night at the "New Moon" DVD/Blu-ray release party in Santa Clarita, it was the first time she heard about the list. "I was trying to ask them earlier today, and they wouldn't give me anything," she said. "But all the directors that you mentioned, I mean, that would be fantastic, both [Van Sant and Coppola]. Either one. I mean, we would be honored." "New Moon" director Chris Weitz echoed her sentiments, saying the Coppola choice was an "interesting idea" and that Van Sant directing the film(s) "would be bitchin'." There wasn't much more to speak of on the "Breaking Dawn" front, though, because as Reed confirmed, there's no new news out there.
"I would love to talk about 'Breaking Dawn' because I would love to know what's going on," she said. "All I know is that hopefully something is going to happen, and I can't wait to hear about it, because I am just as anxious as you and everybody else. We just don't know anything yet." Both she and Weitz did agree on the debate over whether "Breaking Dawn" should be one movie or two. "I don't see how you could possibly make 'Breaking Dawn' into one film," Reed said, and Weitz agreed: "I think [two films] is the right thing to do."

Source: mtv.com

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