söndag 21 mars 2010

Peyton List Speaks About Robert Pattinson and the Fire Extinguisher Scene

QF: What was it like work­ing with Rob? Did you feel starstruck?

Pey­ton: I really didn’t, but one girl was shak­ing and crying!

QF: What was the most chal­leng­ing scene to shoot?

Pey­ton: The most chal­leng­ing scene to shoot was prob­a­bly the one where Car­o­line comes into school, and I start pick­ing on her. Rob had to throw a fire extin­guisher out the win­dow, so it was kind of crazy.

QF: Were there any bloop­ers or embar­rass­ing moments while filming?

Pey­ton: Rob grabbed the fire extin­guisher and couldn’t lift it. It was too heavy and he fell to the ground! He wasn’t hurt or any­thing, but he was laugh­ing. They had to empty it and make it lighter.

Source via RPLife via Thinking of Rob

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