tisdag 20 september 2011

John Singleton : Taylor Lautner will be doing Abduction 2

Abduction” is still a week away from release (saw it about a month ago but we won’t be pressing the upload button on my review until Thursday) but already director John Singleton is guaranteeing a sequel.
The “Boyz N’ The Hood” director tells The L.A Times that there will be a follow-up to the teen action-thriller and further more, he’s already agreed to direct it.
“Abduction”, in case you haven’t seen the trailer, goes a little like this (I feel like Run DMC) : What would you do if you found your own picture on a missing persons website? Teen Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) finds himself facing this very dilemma. Setting out to uncover his real identity, Nathan quickly learns his parents are far from who they say they are. When the police, government agents and shadowy figures start to pursue him, Nathan’s quest for the truth erupts into a full-blown “Bourne”-like man-on-the-run thriller.
When asked if there would be another installment of “Abduction,” Singleton replied enthusiastically: “Definitely.”
“We’ve been talking about it while we’re making the movie. Of course, I’m gonna direct it,” he grinned, speaking from the premiere of the film in Hollywood Thursday night.
There’s a chance that, even with Lautner’s huge fanbase, “Abduction” could flop when it opens across the country this week but Singleton seems convinced he’s on a winner.
“I don’t think we have to worry about that,” he said. “It’s happening.”

Source; moviehole 

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