tisdag 20 september 2011

'Moviehole' Talks To Taylor About 'Abduction' & 'Breaking Dawn'(video)

From source: Moviehole
Ash back at the controls – and I feel a little like Lloyd Bridges in “Flying High”… in the sense that this one could’ve gone either way. But hey, whaddyaknow!? even the descend was pretty smooth!

With Clint’s health issues and those tricky conflicts of interest, he’s producing a lot of these interviews now (sort of like a Qui-Gonn Jinn character that sits beside the monitor either giving me the thumbs up or laughing), leaving me to wax lyrical with the talent. No complaints.
It’s usually quite easy chatting to actors and filmmakers, but c’mon, this was no ordinary camera A subject – this was the adorable Taylor Lautner! the 19-year-old “Twilight” alum who has set many hearts on fire! If I weren’t a little bit intimidated, I’d be dead. But what a nice guy Mr Lautner is – polite, well-spoken, informative and, as we now know from his varied performances in the likes of “Valentine’s Day” and “Twilight”, a multi-faceted performer who refuses to be pigeon-holed as simply ‘the kid that can pull off a good werewolf’.
I had the opportunity to speak to Lautner about his new film “Abduction”, opening this week, as well as hear about his interest in producing, filming the final “Twilight” film (“Breaking Dawn”) and we even had time to share workout tips.

Abduction : What would you do if you found your own picture on a missing persons website? Teen Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) finds himself facing this very dilemma. Setting out to uncover his real identity, Nathan quickly learns his parents are far from who they say they are. When the police, government agents and shadowy figures start to pursue him, Nathan’s quest for the truth erupts into a full-blown “Bourne”-like man-on-the-run thriller.

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