söndag 18 december 2011

Breaking Dawn Nominated For Razzie Award 2011 Worst Movie

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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have received the bad news that "The Twilight Saga. Breaking Dawn" is nominated for worst film of the year. Of all the film has helped him become one of the most box office: in the week of its release hundreds of fans flocked to theaters to buy a ticket to witness scenes of honeymoon bride Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, however, critics have compassion and have listed the 10 worst movies of 2011.

The Razzie Awards have become a tradition in the movie industry, nobody wants to become a creditor of the raspberries that reward the worst actor, actress, screenplay and film of the season. The ceremony takes place a day before the Oscars as an appetizer for the awards from the academy. This time one of the stories of "Twilight" can win the unenviable prize.

These are the titles of the productions that are on the Razzie (1) Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler (2) Bucky Larson "Born to Be a Star" (3) The Twilight Saga. Dawn Part I (4) The transform. "Dark of the Moon" with Shia LaBeouf (5) New Years Eve and its constellation of stars (6) The Smurfs (7) Atlas Shrugged. Part I (8) The Human Centipede. Part II (9) My grandmother is a danger. Part III. Apparently are the sagas that have borne the brunt, it is confirmed that the "second party could never surpass his first original version." A rebel to be pending when the names of those who have to eat this bitter strawberry.

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