söndag 18 december 2011

Kristen Calls Snow White A Champion


Snow White and the Huntsman's Kristen Stewart has a truly warm spot for her latest, and totally non-vampire character. She admits she sees this military-type role as different from the usual action character—"unique", she says—and it speaks to her in a whole new way. "Snow is someone who has a lineage of leadership in her blood, and she has been beaten down, along with her entire kingdom and her people," Kristen Stewart dishes in an interview, and Hollywood Life reports.

"I know it sounds really obvious," KStew goes on, "but it's a story that should champion people who aren't obsessed with vanity, someone who has a true heart. It's a really simple story but it really knocks me out." Could part of that be because Kristen Stewart is not obsessed with vanity herself, unlike many celebs she knows? At least she can get some rest mow, since filming is finished. The role left her worn out, drawn, and "pushed to her emotional brink

SWATH will be out next year. And if anyone still sees Snow White as the ditsy, Disney-fied princess who cooks and cleans for a team of Happy/Grumpy/Sneezy dwarfs, prepare to buy a movie ticket. It seems doubtful that a kiss from the prince solves all her problems, this time. Snow sounds like a girl to take matters into her own hands.

Source GatherCeleb

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