torsdag 3 maj 2012

Sam Clafin revealed with clear admiration on Kristen with Eonline

Kristen Stewart's Snow White Costar Says She's "Focused" on "Life After Twilight"

Uh, Bella Swan who? There might be one last Twilight film in Kristen Stewart's future, but according to her Snow White and the Huntsman costar Sam Claflin, the Breaking Dawn babe's working hard to move past her vamptastic counterpart. So, what did the fairy-tale prince have to say about Snow White's performance, and is Kristen really over the role that brought her endless years of fame?!
  "Working beside her [Kristen Stewart] on- and off-et, she really is very focused on sort of changing her life after Twilight," Claflin fessed to us while promoting his BBC America show White Heat. "The Twilight [films] are coming to an end now and she wants to set out a career that will take her to new places." What a shock! But really, you should not be surprised. The Twilight babe's never been keen on the megafame she's achieved due to the franchise's success, and it's no surprise the hardworking gal is looking forward to material with, er, substance. And hate on the gal all you want for being totally over her time as Bella Swan, but no doubt, in the past few years, Kristen has evolved from a young newbie actress to an über-talented fashionista.
Her film On the Road is set to debut at the Cannes Film Festival (take that, all of you who say Kris can't act) and she costars with Oscar winner Charlize Theron in the badass Snow White in the Huntsman due out June 1.
Forgive the gal for wanting some material with a tad bit more substance than Twilight's cheesy one-liners. And speaking of stellar acting chops, Sam couldn't help but gush over Kristen's portrayal of Snow White and insisted she's an incredibly dedicated actress: "She's really really challenged herself physically, mentally, vocally—every sort of side of it. And she's very hard working," Sam revealed with clear admiration. "All I can say is she's pulled it off marvelously. I hope everyone agrees." 
So do we!
Between the all-star cast and the epic sneak peeks, we think this role could do wonders for Kristen's career—gal pulls off the "lips red as blood, hair black as night" schtick like no one else could. But that's not all Sam had to spill, not only did he reveal that this role is a completely different departure for Kris, but there's another challenging aspect K.Stew had to master: "She's [her character] completely different, she's English for a start," Sam explained. 
Silly Sam! Don't you know Kristen's got British BF Robert Pattinson to whip her English accent into big-screen shape? At least that's the scenario we have in mind.

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