tisdag 5 juli 2011

Exclusive Interview With Antonique Smith from ‘Abduction’ (Taylor Lautner Mention)

Team Twilight, in conjunction with our sister site Team Taylor Lautner, was able to spend some time chatting with Antonique Smith last week who will be costaring with Taylor Lautner in the upcoming film Abduction! We chatted with Antonique about working with Taylor, her budding music career and how Abduction caused her to get the “action” film bug! And of course we found out if she is Team Jacob or Team Edward!

Team Twilight: You play Sandra Burns, a CIA Agent, in Abduction. I know you probably can’t talk a whole lot about your role because the film has not been released yet but can you talk a little about your character?

Antonique Smith: From the trailer you can see he (Taylor’s character) is on the run from some bad people. I am one of the good guys and am chasing him throughout the movie just like the bad guys are but I’m trying to protect him but he doesn’t know who to trust. He doesn’t know who’s good and who’s bad so he is just running. Alfred Molina and I are both CIA and we are running after him trying to keep him safe. So yeah, I keep him safe!

TT: I know from Taylor’s perspective there was a lot of action work involved in this film. Was there a lot of action required for your role?

AS: OMG. Yeah. I had one big action day. They jam packed my last day of shooting. In the trailer there is one scene where you can see Alfred Molina and Taylor sitting in what looks like a diner and the window blows out and they dive away from the window..I’m in that scene. You just don’t see me in that particular shot. That was my last day of shooting. We started at 6am in the morning with that window being blown out into our faces. It was like Good Morning..Ok! It was pretty crazy. It was diving, shooting, bullets flying. They actually shoot you with a pellet gun so there are actually little things flying at you. It was crazy. It was my first time experiencing that..my first time doing an action movie. I loved it. I can’t wait for more. I am definitely ready to do some more action.

TT: How much were you able to work with Taylor and what was your experience?

AS: Taylor is a sweetheart. We still keep in touch. All my scenes were with Alfred and Taylor. I’m not sure how many scenes but it is quite a few. We actually shot scenes at the ballpark that was outside my hotel window during a live game. I wasn’t sure how that was going to work out because we actually shot at a live baseball game.

TT: You mentioned doing some sightseeing with the cast. I know Taylor is extremely busy but did you have any opportunity as a cast to hang out with Taylor?

AS: Not much. We hung out on set mainly. At night it seemed like he was kind of in a little bubble which I can understand because even on set there were hundreds, hundreds, of little girls camped out on set every day.

TT: Yeah that was my next question because I know both Denzel Whitaker and Lily Collins have talked in interviews about how it was on set and they had never seen anything like the fan reaction on set.

AS: Yeah I had never seen anything like it either. It was amazing and very sweet too just to have that kind of support every day on set. But that is pretty much why Taylor didn’t get to hang out on set at night. I think he is used to that. I saw Taylor a few weeks ago and asked him about that and I was talking about how it must be difficult not to be able to do fun things like go to Six Flags. It is difficult. It comes as a blessing and curse. The blessing is having so much love in the world and the curse is so much love that you can’t enjoy regular things like going to Six Flags! Taylor is such a sweetheart. It’s bittersweet for sure.

TT: Abduction comes out September 23rd and so far the media and fan response to the film has been extremely positive. The feedback from everyone, including “Team Edward” fans is that the trailer looks really good.

AS: I’m definitely Team Jacob for sure! I was kind of Team Edward before I met Taylor but then I had to become Team Jacob 100%!

TT: Well that’s the great thing about Team Twilight. We aren’t Team Edward or Team Jacob..we are Team Twilight.

AS: I guess I will be on Team Twilight too then. The politically correct one! Lol

TT: I anticipate Abduction is going to be huge and do really well. I think it will have a huge exposure. I know from running a Taylor fansite that he has a HUGE global fanbase that will go out and support this film. Are you excited about the exposure this film will get?

AS: Absolutely. I’m very excited. It’s a new look for me with the action role. I come from a drama background with a little bit of comedy but this is my first time being seen in an action role so I’m really excited.
It is going to be huge. Taylor is giving you a young Tom Cruise. This is totally a teenage Mission Impossible so I’m really excited!

Full Interview: HERE

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