lördag 10 mars 2012

First Reactions About #OTR Trailer


From altfg As to be expected, the just released trailer (see below) for Walter Salles' On the Road looks classy — beautiful, subdued cinematography by Eric Gautier — and offers believable performances by a strong cast that includes Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley, and Kristen Stewart. The film's target audience is clearly not the popcorn-eating Cineplex crowd; else, the trailer wouldn't have featured any old typewriters or lines such as "the only people that interest me are the mad ones. The ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, desirous of everything at the same time. The ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing."
In fact, the most interesting aspect of the On the Road trailer is that, unlike most movie trailers out there, it gives words the same emphasis as images. To say that's because it's based on a book — Jack Kerouac's — is nonsense. Just look at the trailers for myriad other novel adaptations, from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to the Robert Pattinson vehicle Bel Ami. Their focus is on the images, whether those are of sweeping vistas and action scenes, or the faces of the actors involved in the drama (or comedy, as the case may be). Note: I have nothing against images. Just look at the above photo. That one image says 1,000 words — or more, depending on how wild your imagination is.
From indiewire At long last, proof that Walter Salles' "On The Road" is indeed coming soon to a theater near you has arrived via this French trailer. Suspected to make its way to the Cannes Film Festival this Spring, Salles' adaptation of Jack Kerouac's beloved book has been anticipated for some time. Starring an impressive cast including Sam Riley, Kristen Stewart, Garret Hedlund, Amy Adams, Kirsten Dunst, Viggo Mortensen, Terrence Howard, Steve Buscemi and Elisabeth Moss, the film went into production back in the summer of 2010.
Its US release date is still to-be-determined, but its hitting theaters in the UK in September and its likely a plan for the US will materialize (perhaps during Cannes) and a similar release date will occur. Until then, there's a trailer to hold over the many fans of the 1957 book eagerly anticipating its first adaptation
From fusedfilm Nearly after a year since the movie went into production, On the Road quietly disappeared, leaving many to wonder what would become of the movie itself. Now a new poster has popped up, and the trailer is encompassed by every element of the beat generation. The music, the poetry, the aimless traveling. Nearly all of that is covered by the voice-over work and powerful jazz music.
I am starting to get a sense that this movie was completely a long time ago and its been sitting on the shelf. For one thing Garrett Hedlund looks really good in the movie, and this was before he signed on for the Coen Brothers’ Finding Llwyen Davis.
The same goes for Kristen Stewart. Any part of me that wrote her off as a good actress is gone. She seems capable and more spirited than in any of her previous performances. Overall, this is a one movie that I will definitely add to my must watch list.   Via KstewAngel

buzzsugarIn the trailer for the adaptation of On the Road, a handful of young Hollywood actors take on the characters of Jack Kerouac's iconic novel. Chief among them are Kristen Stewart as Marylou, the teenage wife of the freewheeling and charismatic Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund). 
He's admired by the narrator Sal Paradise (newcomer Sam Riley), who charts his meeting and road-tripping with Moriarty and an array of other colorful characters played by the likes of Kirsten DunstElisabeth MossViggo Mortensen, and Tom Sturridge.
Though Stewart doesn't say a single line in this trailer, I'm curious to see her as a young woman mixed up with the beatnik crowd (and dancing her brains out, apparently). But since the glimpses of the characters are so quick, I don't feel like I have a good feel for whether this movie will live up to its source material (the overwrought narration from a gravelly voiced Riley doesn't help, either). To judge for yourself and get your first look at On the Road, just keep reading.  Via Vonch

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